Saturday, July 18, 2009

Dessert First by Hallie Durand

Dessert First by Hallie Durand
(Grades 2 and up)

Dessert First is a debut chapter book from author Hallie Durand. I was drawn to its bright red cover with a front-and-center ice cream sundae. As a food person, I'm always looking for food-related reads with colorful characters. Dessert Schneider is a third grader with a sweet tooth and a crazy, restaurant-owning family. Her new teacher, Mrs. Howdy Doody, shows her how to "march to her own drummer," and to "consider the repercussions before taking action." Dessert has no trouble blazing her own trail as she convinces her family to start each meal with something sweet. She bribes her little sister Charlie with pieces of gum to clean her room and satisfies her sweet tooth with dips in Maisie's Melted Lollipop fondue at her family's restaurant. Her independent spirit creates havoc when Grandma Reine's Double Decker Chocolate Bars mysteriously 'disappear.'

This delightful early chapter book has just the right amount of mischief, all in an easy-to-read format with lots of sweet illustrations. Have fun with this one, and enjoy a treat of your own afterward - maybe even the chocolaty recipe included on the back cover.

To find this book at our library, visit

Reviewed by Amanda L., Children's Staff

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