Thursday, March 25, 2010

Zig Zag Nonfiction Series by Becky Baines

Zig Zag Nonfiction Series by Becky Baines
(Preschool - Grade 2)

The Zig Zag Nonfiction Series, published by the National Geographic Society, is a valuable find for preschoolers and early elementary kids who love the trademark color photos and straightforward text. The rhyming cadence is helpful for emerging and early readers:

A den is a place a bear will go after a feast in the fall- when they eat until their bellies are full (because soon there'll be no food at all).

A Den Is a Bed for a Bear
chronicles several bear species and their unique dens. It introduces cubs and the cycle of the seasons. Photographs are impressive and are often tagged with speech bubbles like a child's favorite comic strip. Additional information is presented in smaller type and line drawings add humor and lighthearted detail to the facts.

The Zig Zag Nonfiction Series also includes Every Planet Has a Place: a Book About Our Solar System, Your Skin Holds You In: a Book About Your Skin and more to come.

Visit to find these books at our library.

Reviewed by Amanda L., Children's Staff