Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Little Travelers DVD series, directed by Angelina Hart
(Ages two and up)

The Little Travelers DVD series, created and directed by seasoned traveling mom Angelina Hart, has become our household's favorite children's movie. Rarely do we see such genuine and beautiful footage, especially that told entirely from a child's perspective. The first movie in the series is The Little Travelers: Japan, a place which holds special meaning for us as we have close family living there. Hunt's daughters, Chantelle and Nakia, narrate the movie and tell the story of their three-month trip to Japan. The DVD includes details about their trip that children would find fascinating - how their washing machine worked, hang drying the laundry, the local custom of removing shoes, using a rice cooker, and much about Japanese food favorites like sushi and bento. Hart immerses her family in day-to-day life in Japan as much as possible by sending the girls to a local daycare, making friends with neighbors, attending a birthday party and food shopping at local markets.

The series also includes The Little Travelers: Bali, The Little Travelers: British Isles, The Little Travelers: Iran, and The Little Travelers: Germany with more on the way. Viewers can also take simple language lessons and listen to folk tales within extras on many of the series' titles. Introduce the children in your life to different cultures and inspire them (and yourself!) to travel the world.

Visit to find these titles at our library.

Reviewed by Amanda L., Children's Staff

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