Monday, December 21, 2009

Wake Up, Dormouse, Santa Claus is Here by Eleonore Schmid

Wake Up, Dormouse, Santa Claus is Here by Eleonore Schmid
(Preschool - Grade 2)

The Christmas season is a great time to hunker down by the fire, pour a cup of cocoa and pull out all the wonderful holiday books for a special time of stories with your favorite children. There are a number of great books to recommend, but I have unearthed a little-known treasure that we love to read each December at my own home. Wake Up, Dormouse, Santa Claus is Here is a bit of a departure from many Santa-themed picture books we see this time of year.

Gus is a busy dormouse living alone in an old oak tree. He spends the summer and fall getting ready for his long winter's sleep. Author Eleonore Schmid treats readers to a beautiful watercolor and pencil telling of the passing of fall into winter with images of acorns and nuts, the gathering of pine and mistletoe and the first snow of the season. Gus has heard of Santa Claus' annual visit to the forest animals but has never met him because he is always fast asleep in his nest until spring. This year he is determined to stay awake! Dependable Santa does arrive at long last leading not the storybook reindeer and sleigh but a humble donkey with simple jingle bell harness. And he comes not with a bulging load of packages, but with a simple offering of the bounty of the season. Gus has tried his best, but as Santa greets the forest creatures, the little dormouse is sleeping soundly. Can a forest friend help in time?

Reading this story is a peaceful rest stop in an otherwise hectic season and always helps our family to reconnect without losing the magic of Santa in the process.

Visit to find this book at our library.

Reviewed by Amanda L., Children's Staff

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