Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Wildest Brother by Cornelia Funke

The Wildest Brother by Cornelia Funke
(Preschool - Grade 1)

Attention all strong, fierce monster-hunting kids (who are only a little afraid of monsters, just sometimes). Author Cornelia Funke has written a laugh-out-loud funny book starring a boy who battles imaginary creatures daily to protect his big sister. He sees himself as "lion-hearted and elephant-strong" in his quest. His sister doesn't REALLY mind when he uses her makeup to paints scars on his face or make "blood drops from a man-eating monster" on her desk. Mostly because he needs her protection too at a certain time of day. This picture book is currently the favorite at our house for its hilarious depiction of the monsters in our heads. It certainly empowered my son while making it okay to for him to be scared sometimes too. Watch for funny details in the great illustrations by Kerstin Meyer.

To find this book at our library, visit

Reviewed by Amanda L., Children's Staff

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There is a great children’s book out called Other People’s Shoes. It does an excellent job of teaching the value of kindness inside of a really great story. You should check it out! Here is a link: